Wednesday 9 October 2013

Essay Draft 1a

Description of situation:
Since globalization began, everywhere is highly accessible through means like ships, planes and cars. Migration became less of  an unusual practice, many moved for better living conditions while others move for better job opportunities, moving away from rural areas to urbanized regions or to earn more for their families back in their hometown. According to UNFPA (United Nation Populations Fund), it is recorded that in 2010, some 214 million people lived outside their country of origin. With the rising numbers in migration, there is high tendency for overcrowding to occur, especially in urbanized areas. Some countries like Singapore, exemplify the overcrowding issue.

Identification of problem:
Despite the scarcity in land space, Singapore has 7301 population/km^2, ranked 1st as the most densely populated country among countries with population according to statistics shown in Wikipedia. As such, Singapore faces problem such as housing and transport. Commuters travelling in the morning will experience the much hated queue to get on the train or having to stand on a bumpy bus ride for an hour or so. It is a critical issue that the government has been trying to address.

Description of solution:
It would be considered absurd and will affect Singapore's international image and portray hostility towards foreigners to chase foreigners away from Singapore to control the population. Although it is critical for the government to control the population to prevent the aggravation of overcrowding problem, the Singapore government is putting in place policies to limit the employment of foreigners to locals ratio.

The Singapore government fortunately, took notice of the situation and has been trying to salvage the situation by several implementations. Such as the expansion of train service lines, more and more train and bus routes are provided. The introduction of "circle line", a rail line that differs from the other typical lines like the North-South line, East-West line, "circle line" is built to make trips between east, west and north become shorter. Another initiative that the government had introduced since June 2013, by encouraging commuters to travel early and avoid peak period in the morning, it gives commuters incentive by making the travel free if commuters were to exit from the 16 specific city areas before 7.45am.

However, the improvements and new initiative should never stop. With current population growth, Singapore's population is expected to grow further. Jessica Cheam (2013, Singapore's population could hit 6.9m by 2030, with Singaporean core) stated that the population is projected to increase to 6.9million by 2030, which may mean that the strain on transportation will be adversely affected.

Reference list:


  1. 1) Main topic is clear: Kenneth talked about globalization leading to increase migration, which leads to first world problems.
    2) Background information was clearly presented. It was discussed in detail and contextualized.
    3) No expert opinion included.
    4) Yes thesis statement was explicitly stated
    5) Solutions were not clear. For instance, “putting in place policies”, which policy are you indicating?
    6) No, he did not specifically bring up a particular policies or ideas.
    7) Not personal suggestions
    8) Yes he quoted from various sources
    9) Yes supports his idea
    10) There was in-text citations, but do follow APA
    11) Reference list: many sources but follow APA
    12) 7301 population/km^2, ranked -> and ranked
    Overall language is acceptable and appropriate
    13) 6.5
    14) 6.5
    15) 6.5

    -Jared, liu ming and rui yu

    1. hi guys, thank you for the inputs. will make the appropriate changes.
