Friday 6 September 2013

Summary of "Double Edge of Globalisation"

As the title suggested, Globalisation has brought about positive effects and negative effects. Of which, the summary should therefore contain evidence of bought positive and negative impacts.


According to Chanda (2007),  globalisation has increased international trading and consumers' demands. As a result, the environment suffered with the attempts to satisfy consumers' needs. Attempts such as deforestation has caused great damage to environment and health of the citizens. A plus point for such damages however, is that governments work together to help solve such problems or at least to salvage the situation. Globalisation also brings about improved efficiency, technology and many other aspects within varies countries.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kenneth,

    May I suggest some pointers to consider?

    1) I think "consumers' demands/needs" should be change to "consumers demand/need" as the consumers share the same demand/need.

    2) I think there is a missing "," in the following sentence: "... governments work together to help solve such problem or at least, to salvage the situation."
